Future Research for GNLEs

GNLEs also have the potential for building networks for learning and community engagement with institutions that are lacking form social and economic aspects. In essence, institutions the are far less advantaged are able to network with institutions that are much more well off. The opportunity for research for this aspect of partnership is in “the ways in which institutional policies, reduce, infrastructures, and pressure from reduced public funding may constraint such partnership” (222). Additionally, do unequal workloads…dominance of English, differences in technological  infrastructure, and support services affect such GNLEs?

With this question posed by Meyerring and Wilson I saw a correlation between an article  that had been written by the same authors a few weeks ago. These same authors wrote Visionary Pedagogies in GNLEs and how they discussed  Language Politics , meaning that  with this concept language practices could privilege, include, marginalize, and even exclude members .They discussed  technology politics as well,  noting  that technology could either enable or constrain  social practices it can favor interest of some participant while undermining others.

Starke-Meyerring and Wilson bring up very valid points when questioning how the different environments & circumstance influence partnership dynamics. It will be very interesting to see research findings answer some questions about the effectiveness of GNLEs on partnership dynamics.

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